Journal of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders

Keyword Pages
dopaminergic therapy 029
parkinson’s disease 029, 044
sexual dysfunction. 029
dopaminerjik tedavi 029
parkinson hastalığı 029, 044
seksüel disfonksiyon. 029
distonia 036
sensory trick 036
hemifacial spasm. 036
distoni 036
duyusal hile 036
hemifasiyal spazm. 036
ataxia 040
chorioretinal distrophy 040
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. 040
ataksi 040
korioretinal distrofi 040
hipogonadotropik hipogonadizm. 040
advanced stage 044
continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion 044
dyskinesia 044
fluctuations. 044
ileri evre 044
apomorfinin sürekli cilt altı infüzyonu 044
diskineziler 044
dalgalanmalar. 044
acanthocytosis 047
chorea 047
neurodegenerative disorder. 047
akantositoz 047
kore 047
nörodejeneratif bozukluk. 047